This is the C++ implementation for the narrow phase collision detection problem between two general unions of convex bodies encapsulated by smooth surfaces. The approach, namely CFC (Closed-Form Contact space), is based on parameterizing their contact space in closed-form. The first body is dilated to form the contact space while the second is shrunk to a point. Then, the collision detection is formulated as finding the closest point on the parametric contact space with the center of the second body. Numerical solutions are proposed based on the point-to-surface distance as well as the common-normal concept. Furthermore, when the two bodies are moving or under linear deformations, their first time of contact is solved continuously along the time-parameterized trajectories. Benchmark studies are conducted for the proposed algorithms in terms of solution stability and computational cost.
Sipu Ruan, Xiaoli Wang and Gregory S. Chirikjian
Required for core library
- Ceres solver (>= 2.0): Solver for nonlinear least-squares optimization
- Eigen3
[sudo] apt install libeigen3-dev
- Boost (>= 1.71)
[sudo] apt install libboost1.71.0-all-dev
Optional for testing and benchmark
- ifopt: Solver for constrained optimization using interior-point method
- FCL (>= 0.6): Flexible collision library
- libccd: Dependency for FCL
- google-test: Unit test tool
[sudo] apt install libgtest-dev
The script to automatically install the above dependencies is provided in "/script/".
Compilation and installation
The core implementation is a templated header-only library. To use the classes, there is no need to compile but you could simply copy the "/include" directory to the specific path and link/include in your own project correctly.
Download the repository
- Clone the repository
git clone
Build in localhost
- Installation can follow the standard CMake project. After clonging and go to the source directory,
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
By default, the test and benchmark scripts are built if the correct external libraries are installed and found. To disable testing, add argument in the cmake step
cmake -DBUILD_TESTING=off ../
- To view the unit tests after compilation,
Build using Docker
- After cloning the repository, go to "/script" folder and start Docker container
cd /script
chmod +x
It will download the image if for the first time.
- Then, build the package inside the container,
cd /home/cfc
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
After compilation, inside the "/build" directory,
To uninstall,
By default, the header files of the core library will be installed within "/usr/local". You could also specify the folder in the "cmake" step by
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/specified/path/ ../
Running instructions
Command line arguments for benchmarks
Executables for benchmark in both static and continuous cases are located in "/build/test/benchmark" folder.
Arguments for both scripts (in order)
- Number of trials
- Geometric pairs: e.g. "all" (will run for all geometric pairs), "SQ-SQ" (will run for a specific pair), etc.
- (Optional) Number of sampled vertices on each surface (default = 20).
Result files
Results are stored in "/data" folder, which is automatically generated at build time. After running the benchmark script, several ".csv" files will be generated to record the results (each row corresponds to one experimental trial):
For static case:
- "bench_config_${GeomType}_s1.csv", "bench_config_${GeomType2}_s2.csv": Configuration for the two bodies.
- "bench_result_${GeomType}_${GeomType}_${StaticMethod}.csv": Benchmark results for different methods.
For continuous case:
- "bench_config_continuous_${GeomType}_s1.csv", "bench_config_continuous_${GeomType2}_s2.csv": Configuration for the two bodies.
- "bench_result_continuous_${GeomType}_${GeomType}_${CCDMethod}.csv": Benchmark results for different methods.
To visualize the benchmark results (i.e., comparisons on running time, accuracy and number of iterations), please refer to the instructions in the repository of MATLAB implementation.
- ${GeomType} = {"SQ", "E", "PE"}
- ${StaticMethod} = {"CFCFixedPoint", "CFCLeastSquares", "CFCLeastSquaresCommonNormal", "FCL", "Implicit", "CommonNormalFixedPoint", "CommonNormalLeaseSquares"}
- ${CCDMethod} = {"CFCLeastSquaresTran", "CFCLeastSquaresLinear"}
If you find our work useful in your research, please consider citing:
- S. Ruan, X. Wang and G. S. Chirikjian, "Collision Detection for Unions of Convex Bodies With Smooth Boundaries Using Closed-Form Contact Space Parameterization," in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 9485-9492, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3190629.
- BibTeX
author={Ruan, Sipu and Wang, Xiaoli and Chirikjian, Gregory S.},
journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters},
title={Collision Detection for Unions of Convex Bodies With Smooth Boundaries Using Closed-Form Contact Space Parameterization},